Well, hello there. If you've landed on this page, chances are you're a family member or friend of one of the 3 folks behind this little project. This day has been a long time coming. We secured our domain name forever ago, & have been slowly chipping away at this site &, more importantly, refining our actual products ever since. So it's with much excitement that we flipped the switch & are officially an online entity! I imagine we'll be passing the mic back 'n forth between us when it comes to posting to this blog, as that's how we've handled the Social responsibilities thus far (Instagram, mainly), & because we have 3 different & hopefully interesting perspectives to share. In any case, this is Todd, & on behalf of Hil & Chris, I thank you for cheering us on as we merge Pack Northwest onto the Information Superhighway. We'll be hanging in the slow lane for the foreseeable future, as we're each managing full-time jobs "on the side", but we intend to keep our eyes on the horizon & our foot on the accelerator to see where this road can take us.
Speaking of roadtrips, I recently did a giant one wherein i spent at least a little time in EVERY Western state in the Lower 48, even if briefly passing through (ID, AZ, NM). It was part work & it was part vacation. I brought with me my dog Henry, my camping gear, my mountain bike, my road bike, my climbing gear, my surfing gear, a bunch of beer, 3 cameras & a dozen rolls of film (yes, people still use that stuff). I made it a point to visit lots of old friends along the way, to ride bikes as much as possible, to camp as much as possible, and to document the whole thing in photos. On top of being a great way to use our products & show them off to lots of people along the way, it provided plenty of opportunities to make my friends pose awkwardly for product shots to be used on the site. And beyond that, the trip as a whole sort of embodies the spirit of Pack Northwest lifestyle, what we're all about, what motivates us, what we live for. Below are some of my favorite moments from the first half of my trip.